Articles by tag "Refund Policy"

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  1. Are there any additional costs after purchasing? No, there are no additional costs to pay after purchasing our products. Even, we offer free installation support for all our paid or premium extensions under one Magento installation ONLY. Installation is free for 2 weeks (10 working days) following the date of purchase. If the customer ...
  2. Is there any difference in price between the Community Edition and Enterprise Edition? Yes. Typically, Enterprise Edition includes an additional fee based on the particular product.
  3. Are there any additional costs for updating my purchased product? We offer a FREE lifetime Update, so you don’t need to pay for that. This means that if we update our extensions, you will get the latest features of your purchased package without paying any additional fees. Please note that our updates will not depend on Magento updates. To get all the ...
  4. How often do you update your products? We often update our products with a huge number of users and requests, followed by the others. The updates usually depend on a specific product. If there are any updates in the Magento platform, then we will also update our products to be compatible with the new updates.
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