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  1. Get my product after placing an order Once you placed an order and completed the payment process, you will get an email regarding the instructions on how to download the product or log in to your Magespark account and go to the Downloadable Products section. You can easily download the product and use it immediately. If you need ...
  2. I cannot add items to my cart. Why? If it happens, make sure you are logged in to your account first. As of now, we have disabled the guess check-out function. Please ensure to log in first and your connection is good.
  3. How do I know whether my order has been completed or pending? In general, you will get instant notifications on your registered mobile number or email address after placing an order. If you still didn’t get any notifications, then log in to your Magespark account. From there, go to “My Account” and then go to “My orders” to check your order ...
  4. Why do I not see my purchased items in Downloadable products? If you face such problems, please contact us for support. We will get into the problem and ensure you download your purchase product within a minimum time.
  5. How do I cancel a pending order and place a new one? In this case, you can simply contact us and we will cancel your pending order for you. After that, you can place your new order instantly.
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