There was a time when mobile applications were thought to drive online commerce. But soon, we found the best suitable replacement that is convenient, simple, straightforward, and pleasant to use and administer.

You must be wondering what I’m going to talk about. Well, I'm talking about Shopware PWA. In this article, you will learn what Shopware PWA is and what are its technologies, its advantages, and disadvantages, and how Shopware PWA works differently?

Before we dive into the advantages and disadvantages of Shopware PWA for your business, let’s know about Shopware PWA first.

What Is Shopware (PWA) Progressive Web App?

The Progressive Web App (PWA) for Shopware is a web technology used to create websites that look and behave like mobile apps but are run from a web browser instead of a mobile device. They provide a pretty fast speed to instantly load content and works even on a weak internet connection.

Technologies Used in Shopware PWA?

PWA websites are built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. They look like a normal website but behave as a mobile application when accessed in a browser.
In addition to this, you can add your website or separate page to the screen of any device, and as well enable push notifications through advanced functionality.

PWA has the ability to make an application site work offline. The best example of this is Google Docs that is officially available online but can also be accessed and operated offline.

Why Shopware PWA is Beneficial for E-commerce

With the rapid growth of mobile users, PWA is becoming more and more relevant than ever before. Below are some examples of PWA site features you should check out and the top reasons for using Shopware PWA for your online eCommerce business:

  • High download speed

    The Shopware PWA is extremely faster, as they respond to the user’s queries in no time compared to regular websites. With the PWA technology, the problem of slow downloads is quickly solved even with a slow internet connection.

    Thus, you don’t have to worry about the page load speed if you move to Shopware PWA. To make it more clear to you, it caches data with JS Service Worker files to make it faster.
    According to Vue Storefront's PWA for Shopware 6, its catalog download took just 0.1 seconds using the PWA for Shopware 6.

  • Ability to shop online and offline

    E-commerce sites can benefit from session continuity provided by Shopware PWAs. For example, users can still be able to visit and shop from your store even when they lost their internet connection.

    PWA allows the users to add products to their cart, fill in the details, check out the form, and more without requiring an internet connection.

    The payment will automatically be completed when a user gets their internet connection, as the detail is synchronized and updated by the PWA.

  • Installing your application on a device

    Users can quickly access the service or content by installing the application directly instead of going through the Play Store, App Store, Windows Store, and others. Therefore, it allows you to simplify and speed up the installation process and makes it easier to use for users.

  • Security

    With Shopware progressive web app, you will get the top level of security, as the entire data is transmitted over HTTPS. Thus, using Shopware PWA, you don’t have to worry about security and all.

  • SEO promotion

    The search engines rank PWAs like regular websites, thus, there’s no difference in SEO for promoting an online store. It works the same way for both.

  • Interactivity

    Through push notifications, business owners can now tell users when they need to pay attention, bringing in more interest by keeping them updated with the latest products and news. It is useful for attracting new clients and for retaining existing ones.

Top Benefits of Shopware PWA

  • With PWA, you can access offline content, receive pop-up notifications, and more without installing the application.
  • You can download PWA on any device (tablet, phone), laptop, or desktop computer.
  • Almost all popular operating systems are compatible with this technology.
  • Unlike creating native applications for each operating system, PWAs are simpler and easier to create.
  • Users can install PWAs in two ways: either bypassing app stores or installing PWAs through the App Store, Play Store, etc.
  • Caching strategy and Service Worker guarantee offline access to the resource.
  • You won't be bound by the rules of the store applications, so you'll save significantly. As an added bonus, you will not be liable for up to 30% of the sales.
  • No need for user downloads and installations, as new functionality and any updates are added remotely by developers.
  • As progressive web apps effectively leverage the browser's power, they are much smaller than native apps.
  • When the user first enters the website, all the necessary components are already in the user's cache, so the installation goes pretty smooth and faster.

Disadvantages Shopware PWA

  • Website functionality and work are limited in offline mode.
  • The PWA functionality is only partially supported by some operating systems, browsers, and devices as of 2021.
  • Batteries are considerably consumed when PWA is used.
  • iOS cannot be actively used since the minimum system version is 11.3+. In addition, some built-in features like Siri, In-App Payments, etc. are not available to all users.

Shopware 6 and the PWA Framework: Seamless Integration

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are open-source e-commerce platforms that are most often used by English-speaking regions. The framework is built using Vue.js and Symfony, which are both well-known frameworks.

When it comes to expanding it, Shopware 6 proves itself to be an easy-to-use, highly capable, and robust platform for providing modern and value-driven e-commerce solutions.

Thousands of options are available on Shopware's plugin store, allowing you to enhance the existing functionality of your Shopware Shop using powerful tools that are tailored to your business needs and customer’s expectations.


With Shopware PWA, it’s become much easier to make e-commerce projects ultra-modern and powerful due to thousands of options provided by its technology. As a consequence of all these characteristics, It's clear to define that PWA seems to be the future of technology.

PWA offers you the best opportunity to reach the largest possible number of people at the lowest possible cost. In case you are looking for Shopware PWA support or need any help with Shopware PWA, get in touch with our Hire Dedicated Shopware Developers at Magespark to discuss your project idea.